Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Brain Trust in Action

My friend Kari and I have had our planning meeting on how to get started with a volunteer Creative Writing class at either the Magdalene House or another half-way house of some sort.  It is very exciting because Kari and I think and work very differently (she's a Scorpio, I'm a Libra--I dismiss this new zodiac nonsense, mostly b'c all of it is probably nonsense anyway...) but work well together.  We have our to-do lists and things to research.  We admit to ourselves and the world that while we do sincerely wish to give back in a meaningful way and help usher in a meaningful way for people mired in suffering or struggling to heal to express themselves--we also have an ulterior motive.  We are writers who used to write like some people drink Diet Coke.  Both of us are in a word slump--needing to free up all the expectations of what writing "should" be about and how it "should" sound.  Both of us are solid writers of poetry for many years, but I am branching out (tentatively) into short stories...we'll see.

I am getting also beyond ready to go back to work.  I got my steroid injections this morning, so I'm hopeful that I can focus on building strength the rest of the month and start back in February.  I am desperate to see my co-workers, students--heck, I even miss my little office.  I won't get back in the classroom until March, but I'm eager to find out how I can make an even bigger contribution to my campus community.  I am very fortunate to have a career that I love and that I think I'm pretty good at delivering quality pretty consistently. 

Overwhelmingly--at every level, with every person, with my job & my relationships, with my own growth--I just want to do more, give more, be more.  It is on my mind almost constantly and I'm enjoying getting my hands dirty in the planning of seeds to be planted. 

Tired, but blessed.

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